Natasha give birth to Kika Miller.


Lou Miller starts as saleswoman.


Ginger Miller starts as salesman.


Early Summer, Janet Riggs has sewn new smart dresses for her self and Maxie Barta, they can wear this Summer. They go huggingly and giggling to the theatre, to show off them self in the new dresses.

At the theatre, Maxie Barta and Janet Riggs meet Ginger Miller, who just has delivered some crates of Lannon's Cherry Wine for the theatre.

After supper, Maxie Barta wants to go home to the forge, and Janet Riggs is hugging her goodbye.

When Maxie Barta has gone home, Janet Riggs alluringly asks Ginger Miller, if she can have some samples of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and Ginger Miller immediately gets a bottle of the wine.

As Janet Riggs gets tipsy, she starts kissing and cuddling with Ginger Miller.

After having laughed, kissing and drinking wine all evening, Janet Riggs' follows Ginger Miller to his lodging at the inn, where he makes love with her.

Late Winter, Ginger Miller and Janet Riggs are getting married at the theatre.

Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade is playing the musik, and the old Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh presides over the wedding.

Maxie Barta joins the wedding, but Pete is grumpy and stays away.


Kika Miller becomes saleswoman.

Janet Miller gives birth to Tara Miller.

Janet Miller becomes saleswoman.



Charles Riggs starts as tailor.

Midsummer, Janet and Ginger Miller are picking up Charles Riggs at the tailor, and goes to the theatre of The Crowned Lion, where they meet up with Maxie Barta.

Maxie Barta and Janet Miller is hugging each other, and Niel Hauck is serving them supper.

Eating supper, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh approaches Maxie Barta with his brother, Sir Benjamin and his bodyguards, Slim Bellerby and Conrad Combler, and he tries to kiss her.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is fonding Maxie Barta, and fondingly cuddles her, He orders some Lannon's Cherry Wine from Niel Hauck, which they all begins drinking.

Moira Liebermann and Kari Bellerby giggly approaches the two brothers, and begins kissing them, though Sir Leonard of Malbourgh rather likes kissing with Maxie Barta.

Moira Liebermann daringly puts a bottle of contraception potion at the table and asks, if anybody wants to shag?

Janet Miller recognizes the bottles, and kissing Ginger she tells, it's the kind of bottles, she buys at the pharmacy to avoid more calameties, when Ginger and her having fun together.

Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade are entering the stage and begin entertaining, and Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade are sending each other amorously glances.

Kari Bellerby grabs her chance, and gets dancing with her brother's boyfriend, Conrad Combler, while Moira Liebermann is dancing with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Maxie Barta dancing with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Janet dancing with Ginger Miller.

When Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade stops playing, Charles Riggs wants to go home. Janet Miller is hugging her brother goodbye, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is ordering more wine.

Maxie Barta, Janet and Ginger Miller, Moira Liebermann, and Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh are cheering, while Kari Bellerby snugly begins drinking wine with Conrad Combler, when Finly Dade comes to the table to kiss Slim Bellerby.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh becomes in a cheerfully, and gives his lieutenant, Slim Bellerby the night off to go with Finly Dade home, and cheerfullly asks for lodgings for his guard, Conrad Combler, and his brother, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and more wine.

When the brother of Kari Bellerby, Slim, has left with Finly Dade, Kari intoxicated and pasionately begins kissing and cuddling with Conrad Combler, and guzzling him, and Maxie Barta passionately grabs the bottle contraception potion, and looking alluringly at Sir Leonard of Malbourgh.

Janet Miller is hugging Maxie Barta intoxicated, and wishing her to have good fun tonight.

Then Ginger and Janet Miller thanks Niel Hauck for a lovely night, before they giggling go home to the grocery.

At the grocery, Ginger Miller is jolly jumping his bones at Janet, when they get home.

Next day, Janet and Ginger Miller are having hangovers, and Lou Miller is having a fit, because they had let her nursing Tara Miller.


Autumn Equinox, it is raining, amd Ginger Miller gets bored. He asks his sister, Lou Miller, if she can take care of the shop allone, while he have some fun with Janet Miller.

Then Ginger Miller persuades his other sister, to care of his daughter, Tara Miller, before he opens a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine and offers it to Janet Miller, while they're snuggling together.

When Ginger and Janet Miller get intoxicated, Ginger cheeringly is bumping uglies with a joyfully Janet Miller.

Next day, Lou Miller has a rage against Ginger, because she had managed the shop, while Ginger and Janet vibriantly had fun.

Janet Miller discovers, she regrettable, had forgotten to drink her contraception potion in the heat.

Early Winter, Janet Miller discovers she's pregnant again, and Ginger Miller and Lou are having a rage again.


Midsummer, The aunt of Ginger Miller, Constance Belley, from Upper Tamwood arrives with her son Gwilym Belley, whom Lou Miller claims had made her pregnant.

Kika Miller is following the show.

Syreeta Bellerby makes an excellent midwife for her niece, Janet Miller.

Janet Miller gives birth to Patricia Miller.

Syreeta Bellerby examines Lou Miller, too, and sends Lou and Kika Miller to her brother, Buster Liebermann, at the pharmacy, to get some contraception potion for Lou Miller to minimaze the damage.

Late Summer Sir Patrick of Malbourgh Marries , Gwilym Belley to Lou Miller.

Early Winter, Lou Belley gives birth to Rory Belley


In the afternoon at the grocery, Maxie Barta enters the shop, and orders a crate of polishing agent.

Ginger Miller hugs Maxie Barta, and tells, he's going to find the polishing agents and Janet Miller, so they can be chatting.

Ginger Miller returns with a crate of polishing agent and Janet Miller nursing Patricia Miller, before Ginger go see after their daughter, Tara.

When Ginger Miller arrives with Tara and a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, Silas Combler is collecting the crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and Maxie Barta is collecting the crate of polishing agent.

Janet Miller is hugging Maxie Barta goodbye, and whisperly wish her good appetit, before she and Silas Combler desirously returns to the forge.



Janet Miller gives birth to Bernard Miller.














Emil Riggs is born.